uint8_t I2C_Start(char write_address)
    uint8_t status;                   
    TWCR=(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWSTA); //--- TWI Interrupt desable, TWI enable, TWI Start
    while(!(TWCR&(1<<TWINT)));            //--- Wait untial start condition is executed
    status=TWSR&0xF8;                      //--- Read TWI status register
    if(status!=0x08)                       //--- Check weather START transmitted or not?
    return 0;                              //--- Return 0 to indicate start condition fail
    TWDR=write_address;                    //--- Write SLA+W in TWI data register
    TWCR=(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWINT);             //--- TWI Interrupt desable, TWI enable
    while(!(TWCR&(1<<TWINT)));               //--- Wait untial transmet is complete
    status=TWSR&0xF8;                      //--- Read TWI status register  
    if(status==0x18)                       //--- Check for SLA+W transmitted &ack received
    return 1;                              //--- Return 1 to indicate ack received
    if(status==0x20)                       //--- Check for SLA+W transmitted &nack received
    return 2;                              //--- Return 2 to indicate nack received
    return 3;                              //--- Else return 3 to indicate SLA+W failed
uint8_t I2C_Write(char data)
    uint8_t status;          
    TWDR=data;                  //--- Data write to transmet
    TWCR=(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWINT);  //--- TWI Interrupt desable, TWI enable
    while(!(TWCR&(1<<TWINT)));    //--- Wait untial transmet is complete
    status=TWSR&0xF8;           //--- Read TWI status register
    if(status==0x28)            //--- Check for data transmitted &ack received
    return 0;                   //--- Return 0 to indicate ack received
    if(status==0x30)            //--- Check for data transmitted &nack received
    return 1;                   //--- Return 1 to indicate nack received
    return 2;                   //--- Else return 2 for data transmission failure
uint8_t I2C_Read_Start_Add(char read_address)
    uint8_t status;
    TWCR=(1<<TWSTA)|(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWINT); //--- TWI Interrupt desable, TWI enable, TWI Start
    while(!(TWCR&(1<<TWINT)));               //--- Wait untial start condition is executed
    status=TWSR&0xF8;                      //--- Read TWI status register
    if(status!=0x10)                       //--- Check for repeated start transmitted
    return 0;                              //--- Return 0 for repeated start condition fail
    TWDR=read_address;                     //--- Write SLA+R in TWI data register
    TWCR=(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWINT);             //--- TWI Interrupt desable, TWI enable
    while(!(TWCR&(1<<TWINT)));               //--- Wait untial transmet is complete
    status=TWSR&0xF8;                      //--- Read TWI status register
    if(status==0x40)                       //--- Check for SLA+R transmitted &ack received
    return 1;                              //--- Return 1 to indicate ack received
    if(status==0x48)                       //--- Check for SLA+R transmitted &nack received
    return 2;                              //--- Return 2 to indicate nack received
    return 3;                              //--- Else return 3 to indicate SLA+W failed
char I2C_Read_Ack(void)   //Read data with Acknowladge
    TWCR=(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEA); //--- TWI Interrupt desable, TWI enable, TWI Accknowledge
    while(!(TWCR&(1<<TWINT)));           //--- Wait untial transmet is complete
    return TWDR;                         //--- Return received data
char I2C_Read_Nack(void//Read data without Acknowladge      
    TWCR=(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWINT);  //--- TWI Interrupt desable, TWI enable
    while(!(TWCR&(1<<TWINT)));    //--- Wait untial transmet is complete
    return TWDR;                //--- Return received data
char display[20];
int main(void)
    char array[20] = "External I2C EEPROM";
    LCD_INIT();         /* Initialize LCD */
    twi_init();         /* Initialize I2C */
    I2C_Start(EEPROM_Write_Addess);/* Start I2C with device write address */
    /***         since add is 2byte ***/
    I2C_Write(0x00); /* Write start 1st byte of memory address for data write */
    I2C_Write(0x10); /* Write start 2nd byte of memory address for data write */
    for (int i = 0; i<strlen(array); i++)/* Write array data */
    I2C_Start(EEPROM_Write_Addess);/* Start I2C with device write address */
    /***         since add is 2byte ***/
    I2C_Write(0x00);/* Write start 1st byte of memory address for data write */
    I2C_Write(0x10);/* Write start 2nd byte of memory address for data write */
    I2C_Read_Start_Add(EEPROM_Read_Addess);/* Repeat start I2C SLA+R */
    for (int i = 0; i< strlen(array); i++)/* Read data with acknowledgment */
    I2C_Read_Nack();        /* Read flush data with nack */
    return 0;