The STM8S access line 8-bit microcontrollers offer 8 Kbytes Flash program memory, plus integrated true data EEPROM. It is a low cost device and very powerful. It has internal 16 MHz CPU clock frequency, robust I/O, independent watchdogs with separate clock source, clock security system, SPI, UART, I2C etc. It has a single wire (SWIM) […]
Category: ARM® Standards Peripherals
We previously interface Keypad with Atmel microcontroller. Now we will interface keypad with STm32. We will interface STm32 with 3×4 matrix keypad. 4 rows which will be output pins and 3 columns which will be input with pull-up enable. Since the input pins are pull-up enable the default value is 1 and active with logic
In RTC section we interface an I2C IC DS1307. The STM32 has built in RTC. In STM32 the real-time clock (RTC) is an independent BCD timer/counter. The RTC provides a time of-day clock/calendar with programmable alarm interrupt. The RTC includes also a periodic programmable wakeup flag with interrupt capability. Two 32-bit registers contain the seconds,
Before interface OLED with STM32 microcontroller please go through my OLED section in OLED (SSD1306) interfacing. In this article we interface the low cost 0.91 Inch small OLED. In our previous article we discuss about I2C protocol and I2C LCD driver. STmcu works on 3.3V & I2C LCD works 5V so need DC power level
We already learn LCD interfacing in previous article. LCD Display requires lots of digital I/O pin and the circuit requires more space. In market I2C LCD display are available and the interfacing is not so difficult. You just need to know the hardware interface and the I2C IC which is connected with that LCD. Usually
In this article we interface LCD display with STmirccontroller. Please see my LCD interface section in ATmel part. We use STM32F0308-DISCO board in this interface. Similarly other ST can be interface in same manner. We can use any GPIO pins. Let’s first make a connection and change the logic according to the GPIO pins- Since
In this example we introduce a display contain custom digits and LED indicator. Since STM32 has may GPIO pin we can easily interface LEDs and Seven Segment Display. But in this section we will develop a custom display using Latch Register 74HC595. For the basic of Seven Segment Display & SPI interface with 74HC595 please
ARM stands for Advanced RISC Machines. ARM is a family of RISC instruction set architectures (ISAs) for computer processors. Due to their low costs, low power consumption, and low heat generation, ARM processors are useful for light, portable, battery-powered devices, including Smartphone’s, laptops, and tablet computers, as well as embedded systems. However, ARM processors are